Chiropractor for Hip Pain

Living with chronic hip pain can be debilitating, particularly if the pain moves beyond the hip joint into the lower back, buttocks, thigh, groin or knee. It can make basic actions like walking up or down stairs, playing sport and even sitting or standing for extended periods of time significantly difficult. Common conditions that can lead to hip pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis – particularly in people over 50

  • Lower back problems

  • Hip injuries

  • Strained muscles

  • Inflamed tendon

  • Pinched nerves

Fortunately, there are numerous forms of treatment available to help relieve hip pain and restore quality of life. If you need a chiropractor for hip pain in Sydney’s north west suburbs, make an appointment at Back Space Chiropractic in Carlingford today.

How Can a Chiropractor for Hip Pain Help You?

With so many treatment options available, why should you opt to see a chiropractor for hip pain? A qualified and experienced chiropractor will endeavour to find the root cause of your hip pain. They will work with you to try and eliminate the actions that either cause or exacerbate the pain. They’ll also examine the complete skeletal structure of the human body and, with the use of adjustments and rehab exercises, will endeavour to provide long-lasting corrections.

Why Choose Back Space Chiropractic?

When you need a highly trained and experienced chiropractor for hip pain in Sydney, you need the expertise and skill of principal chiropractor Dr Balraj Ougra at Back Space Chiropractic. Dr Balraj Ougra has a particular interest in sports injuries and family care, but specialises equally in providing relief for lower back pain, shoulder pain, sprained ankle, muscle strains, hip soreness and more.

At Back Space Chiropractic, we aim to provide the highest standards of service and customer care, which is why Dr Balraj Ougra keeps up to date with the most current treatment methods that ensure the best chance of a successful outcome. If you want the assistance of a trained and qualified chiropractor for hip pain that can help you enjoy a better quality of life, make an appointment today.